Manufacturing process of Hida beer |
You can see the beer workshop from the glass inside the store.Large tanks are lined up in the factory and you can see part of the manufacturing process.
1,Preparation |
Malt is added to the hot water. The starch in the liquid turns into maische (sugar) here.Starch is changed to sugar by the action of malt enzymes, and sugar becomes liquid.
It is heated for about 2 hours while gradually raising the temperature from 40 ℃ to 77℃. |
2,Wheat soup filter tank |
The liquid in “maische” is filtered into a clear amber liquid (wort).Adjust
the alcohol content by controlling the sugar content.
3,Boiling iron pot |
Stew at 100℃ for about 1 hour while avoiding spilling.Then add hops to the wort.
Hops that produce beer-specific aroma and bitterness vary greatly depending on the type and amount.
4,Whirlpool |
The protein coagulated by heat is removed, and transparent wort is made.
5, Cold water tank |
Hot wort is cooled in a completely sterile state.
6,Fermenting tank |
Beer yeast is added to it, and the sugar in the wort is decomposed into alcohol and carbon dioxide. "Young beer" will be born in about one week to 10 days. At this point, the original taste and aroma of beer are not enough.
It is aged for 2 weeks at low temperature.
7, Pressure tank |
Aged beer is pressure adjusted.At our company, nitrogen is blended
to create a mellow taste.
Some beers usually filter, but our craftbeer is not filtered. Yeasts
are alive.
Finally, stuffed with keg and aged.
※ Although you can not enter the factory at the actual tour,
you can overlook the tank in the factory through the glass from within
the store.